In part 1 of this 2-part video, we learn about the “domestication” of man and how all the rules and values of our family and society are imposed on us by a system of punishment and reward. As young children, our true nature is to love and be happy, to explore and enjoy life; we are absolutely authentic. But then we learn to be what others think we “should” be, and because it`s not acceptable for us to be who we are, we start pretending to be what we aren`t. When we are teenagers, we have learned to judge ourselves, to punish ourselves and to reward ourselves according to agreements we have never chosen. The Four Accords help us break self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us freedom, happiness and love. While I wish I could be the author of such a simple originality, I am not – but there is virtue and value in these four buildings. So, if you could give me in a moment to respond to these four chords formulated so sublimely by Ruiz, I have thoughts (as always, lol). In these crazy times, it is crucial to stick to these four deep agreements that Ruiz has presented to us. At the very least, Don Miguel has simplified some rather heavy social concepts into bite-sized pieces that make life in society a little more manageable. So what kind of agreements have you made? Are they in line with your ideals? How can you use Ruiz`s chords in your life for improvement and clarity? Let`s face it, we`re all stressed out right now. So let`s do our best not to make assumptions, not to take things too personally, and to be honorable with our words. Think about it.” As always, thank you for reading! Things to watch out for: Taking this advice to the extreme can cause you to ignore your intuition about people or common sense about someone`s behavior that hurts you personally. It can also open you up to manipulation if you practice believing someone`s explanation for negative behavior instead of judging the behavior yourself.
An example of this in action might be, for example, not believing that you are being scammed if your partner exhibits erratic behavior and the classic signs of infidelity, but he or she vehemently denies any wrongdoing. The Four Accords were published© in 1997 and have sold approximately 9 million copies. It has been on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly a decade. Everything we do is based on agreements we have made – agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, with life. But the most important agreements are those we make with ourselves. Be impeccable in my own words, don`t take things personally, don`t make assumptions and always do my best, these four promises are hard to keep, but once I became aware of these four promises, things changed in a positive direction. One downside of the book is that some of the chords are too extreme, and if you take them literally, they can cause additional problems in your life if taken without a proverbial grain of salt. However, with a little balance and a sense of openness, these chords can each be transformative and relieve stress. Here is a statement on each of the four agreements. Although the chords are sometimes oversimplified, this is still a great little book with heavy ideas.
Focusing on one of these agreements can greatly improve your life and reduce stress. Focusing on all four can really change many people`s lives. If followed in a general and non-fanatical way, these suggestions can help you reduce a large amount of stress by helping you avoid thought and behavior patterns that cause frustration, blame, hurt feelings, and other negative emotions. “The Four Chords” not only gave me the four chords with which I made small positive changes in my life, but the book also helped me understand the process of “domestication” and how that “domestication” shaped my belief systems. Miguel Ruiz uses the metaphor of dreams to represent human perception. To understand the world, Ruiz says, people must first “dream” or perceive it — and kind of like a dream you have. “Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. OMGumdrops! At the risk of repeating myself here, it was another revolutionary concept for me. As a clairvoyant, I have always been very sensitive to the thoughts, feelings and reactions of others from an early age. It took me a lifetime to discover that others are other people – and that they are allowed to express their opinions.
About the book Four Agreements and Best Practices for Making Deals (with Ourselves and Others). Have you heard of the four agreements? I was browsing my shelves and came across this gem. I thought it might be smart to share my useful experiences on this book with you. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a book published in 1997. It was a great measure of my own personal development, and I thought it could also have a place in your life. Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz. While it`s good to be conscientious about how you use your words, it can be difficult to fully follow this agreement. However, it is a great goal to achieve and a good direction to achieve. This one was a big problem for me. What for? Because Ruiz doesn`t recommend that we all convert to perfectionism overnight.
It doesn`t even suggest that we should live up to our ridiculously high standards. No. Ruiz highlights this agreement in his book by saying that every day we have the choice to do our best. Some days are diamonds and some days are stones. Ruiz uses the metaphor of a computer virus to depict gossip, which means negative talk about others. Ruiz argues that when someone speaks negatively about another person, they cause others to see them. While it`s important to let go of much of your concerns about the opinions of others, some comments need to be taken into account and the needs of others should also be respected. Don`t give up on the work of discriminating responsibilities, or you can create more stress in the long run.
A life-changing book. The simple guide to the life of Don Miguel Ruiz. This book – the original of the series – is widely distributed. Everyone should read it. Don Miguel Ruiz`s book, The Four Agreements, was published in 1997. For many, the Four Accords are a life-changing book whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the indigenous peoples of southern Mexico. Sign up to be informed of special offers and events and get a free poster. Think of a recent event in your life that has caused you emotional pain. Then imagine this event from a “distant” point of view; That is, try to emotionally detach yourself from actions – reactions that were part of this event. Do you want? Get it right! Recommended by Avia on by the way, I don`t need to be approved, and neither do you. In addition, the personal view of things raises massive assumptions. None of us really know why someone reacts in a certain way to what we have proposed or transmitted.
So what`s the point of taking it personally? Be clear, honest, keep integrity, be yourself and move forward without looking back. At least that is what I think of this agreement presented by Ruiz. Nishith is an auditor by profession. He is a marathon runner, an avid reader, a writer, an aspiring author and a coach in personal transformation. It manages a unique self-transformation platform – “Be Better Bit-By-Bit”. This platform offers its members daily activities and exercises of self-transformation. Philosophy and belief of this platform – “Small constant improvements”. Things to watch out for: Many people don`t realize the power of their words and don`t see the harm that can be caused by careless, thoughtless, or aggressive speech.